The Decision Space

The Tabletop Game Night Blog

A Table For Every Body

The tabletop is the best place for relationship building.

Sure, you could go into the wilderness and conquer that zip-line together. That is a lot of fun. And you have the opportunity to overcome some anxieties or fears. And people cheer you on as you struggle with your own mortality.

But there's no opportunity for back-stabbing. That could prove fatal IRL.

Not so on the tabletop. Stab away!

And for pure brain exercise with friends and family, the tabletop outscores them all.

RG to Food? Trainer to Guru? God, help me.

Tabletop games are the best medium to interact with others. What else do you have?

Movies? No interaction!

Putt putt? Not in the winter!

Boxing? Too much pain.

Coffee shop? The coffee runs out. The shop closes.

The tabletop comes out on top!

The tabletop reveals character and builds character. It reveals your flaws and your strengths. Want to get to know someone pretty well? Play a tabletop game with her. Want to see his real character? Play Diplomacy.

The tabletop is for everyone. So, invite your friends, family, and neighbors. Invite your enemies, too, because they might just become your friends.

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