Hello, Tabletop World!
Posted by GamePlaya on 2017.12.10
What a year it's been.
Fortunately, we have the tabletop.
The tabletop is that place we can go to to escape reality for a bit. But it's not escapism like a movie is, where we sit mindlessly taking in the entertainment, letting the story be told to us.
No, the tabletop is where we make our own stories. Whether solo or with friends and family, we create instead of consume. We engage our brain in a creative activity that stimulates and enhances our lives. We can have fun (or fury) with the people we care about. Or even strangers.
We might cooperate in defending our tower from waves of encroaching monsters, or we can attempt to eradicate diseases that threaten to destroy humanity, or we can fight the zombie hoard, living or dying together.
We might compete against one another in a dank dungeon, on the plains of a windy isle, or as secret units fighting or supporting the resistance.
There are so many worlds to explore and stories to create! Whether you like the wild west or the far east, there is a tabletop experience for you. Do you want to explore a new continent or settle a new planet? You can do both. The world of tabletop gaming has had a great renaissance in the last decade, and how beneficial it is to us!
It's been a tough year for many of us. I hope and pray that we can all find a place at the table, an experience to share, people to love, and a story to create.
I started TabletopGameNight.com to facilitate this wish. Right now, we're in an open beta period, and we need your help. If you think it's something you could use for your own game nights, you can
create an account. Form a group, then invite your friends and family to join you.
We have a
support forum where you can file
bug reports, make
suggestions for features, or just
ask a question.
And thank you in advance!
Let's make 2018 the year we all learned how to play nice with each other.
See you at the table!