The Decision Space

The Tabletop Game Night Blog

Contest: Name The TTGN Blog

We're running a contest to name our blog!

There are a lot of creative minds out there. Sure, we've come up with some ideas, but we want to make everything fun around here, and we want you to benefit from it. Fun means using your brain and winning the game... or winning the prize, in this case.

We are not going to be holding this up to a vote, because we don't want to end up with a ridiculous name like, "Game Blog McBlogerson," or, "Bloggie Blog of Games," or, "Tabletoppie McGamey Nightie BloggieWoggie." You know what I'm talking about.

Instead, we'll choose the winning entry, and the winner will receive much acclaim and notoriety, as well as a $25 gift certificate to their tabletop game dealer of choice.

If we receive no entries we find acceptable, the winner will be randomly drawn from all the submitted entries, even if your entry is "McPoppin' Tabletoppin' Blog No Stoppin'."

Do not submit entries as blog comments!

Put on your creativity hat and submit your suggestion in the official contest forum!

or Sign-up to Comment!